The U.S. economy is now recovering but a great deal of those who were caught in the burst of the real estate bubble are still scrambling to get their lives back on track. Sadly, one of the first things that get neglected when we’re busy trying to make ends meet is our health. We forego regular gym workouts and healthy, home-cooked food in for extra hours at the office and other places of work. We try to earn that extra buck by taking-on double jobs and working overtime but this is actually costing us more.
Levels of cortisol, a hormone that speeds-up conversion of calories into body fat increases when we lack sleep and are stressed-out. All the excess calories we get from all the powdered donuts and chili dogs we scarf down during breaks aren’t helping things any. Daily weightloss gym workouts should be able to take care of all those excess calories we get from all those fast food goodies, but a lot of us would rather surf the net or plop down on the couch and get busy with the clicker.
Not surprisingly, obesity cases in the U.S. are once again on the upswing. Figures say that on the average, 1 of every 4 Americans are already considered obese. The problem has gotten so serious that First Lady Michelle Obama has made it a personal battle to prevent childhood obesity caused by prolific sales of sodas, candy and junk food in schools and even in stores. Needless to say, bad health takes a toll on our budget. Medicine and treatment for obesity-related problems such as diabetes, heart disease and high-blood pressure can take a huge chunk of our monthly income- money which could be better spent on rent/mortgage and other basic necessities.
The solution to body fat loss and the health quagmire facing millions of Americans? A realistic and dynamic weightloss workout plan combined with body fat loss nutrition that can easily be incorporated into our lifestyle. For people that can’t afford to pay for gym membership, dynamic exercise videos can be a tremendous help. I stress dynamic exercises because conventional fat loss workout programs require repetitive execution of isolation exercises that become ineffective after our muscles have gotten accustomed to the movement. Functional training consisting of total body exercises are much more effective for massive calorie-burn and successful total body fat loss. Because several muscle groups are involved in movement, functional exercises burn more calories within a shorter period while boosting our metabolism. Shorter workouts make it easier for us to keep exercising regularly and a high metabolism assures rapid fat loss from our efforts.
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