The ailing economy has caused a lot of American households to make do with a lot of the luxuries they used to enjoy- going to mall-shopping on weekends, dining at steakhouses and restaurants, even going to the movies. As people strive to make ends meet, they take on second jobs- shortening the number of hours they have for themselves. Lesser hours for leisure means less time to eat, thus swaying us to turn to the convenience of fast-food for source of energy. Fast-food is readily available, delicious and relatively inexpensive. They're also packed with hidden calories and trans-fats that are can be deadly to our cardiovascular health. In fact, ours has become a culture of fast-food and a significant portion (over 60%) of the North American population is suffering from excess weight and even obesity.
Shortened quality time also means increased stress levels. Stress-caused hypertension is one of the leading killers for modern man nowadays. If left unchecked, it can creep-up and cause cardiovascular ailments and heart attacks. There is one effect stress has on the body that most folks don't know about- it can actually speed-up weight gain and increase body fat. Researchers discovered that the human body produces a hormone called cortisol when we're under stress and this hormone speeds-up the conversion of the calories we get from the food we eat. Needless to say, those innocent calories become deadly, unsightly belly fat.
The success of weight loss products and fad diets is evidence that more and more of us are caught-up in the struggle to lose belly fat. Sadly, more and more people are losing the struggle for weight-loss because of financial hardship. It is, after all difficult to maintain an effective fat loss exercise program when you're busy making ends meet. The lack of time to prepare healthier, home-cooked meals also makes us rely on quick but unhealthy processed food.
The solution? A home-based exercise program that is designed for rapid fat loss in shorter sessions. Yes, you read right- lose belly fat fast in 30 minute workout routines. Exercises designed for optimum calorie burn can have you out of your sweats an in the shower in less time than it takes for an episode of 'America's Biggest Loser'. Working out at home also does away with expensive gym memberships and paying for a personal trainer to guide you. How do you know you're doing the proper technique and form? On-line exercise videos that you can download and save on your iPod or burn to DVDs for unlimited playback.
With online fitness videos, we enjoy the privacy of working out at home, save gas money we would otherwise waste on driving to and from the gym and save even more money by not having to pay for gym membership and fitness trainers. Fast, convenient and effective weight loss!